
Senator Jess Walsh, Australian Labor Party

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    2024/25 Budget putting care economy front and centre

    This week’s Budget is putting the care economy front and centre! And we’ll be the first government in history to truly recognise this critical sector....

    Coalition’s super for housing debacle

    The Coalition’s super for housing agenda is bad for superannuation and bad for home ownership. These are the findings of a Government Senators’ Dissenting report...

    A Lifeline for Regional Students: student debts cut by $3 billion

    Young people living in regional Victoria will be among the beneficiaries of the Albanese Labor Government's move to cut student debt by $3 billion in...
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    About Jess

    Jess Walsh is proud to be a Labor Senator representing the people of Victoria in Canberra. She believes in an Australia founded on decent, stable jobs and strong government services.

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